Dress Down Friday | WordPress Themes, Wes Anderson, Google Mashups

Every week I post a random assortment of links, videos, pictures just for fun. In this week’s edition of “Dress Down Friday” I have found some fun stuff this week ranging from LA Metro/Google Map Mashups and new solar powered messenger bags!
- For wordpress users who have your own hosting, check out this theme generator. And here’s a great looking grid-styled theme similar to the one I use.
- This week I found out about a couple treats from google. First, not only does google offer a really nice word processor and spreadsheet for free, but now you can also make presentations (just like in powerpoint). Second, they’ve started their own bookmarking and sharing service and it looks pretty nice.
- Sigur Ros has a new movie coming out.
- Twitter friend, Vanessa, has posted some great resources on “Baby Steps Toward Greener Life.” Or you could just buy this, I wonder if you can power appliances off it?
- OK, This is pretty funny.
- And now on to Los Angeles: Check out this list of google map mashups for all you Angelenos. And even better is this google maps powered LA metro map.
- If you haven’t updated handbrake you need to check the new version out. Handbrake easily rips videos off DVDs and puts them on your computer or ipod.
- And finally, look at all the new Wes Anderson commercials. This should help get you ready for his film Darjeeling Limited which comes out next week.
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