Does the heart have a narrow door? by Carol Bialock

Eric Muhr from Barclay Press shared this poem around earlier this week from a new book of poetry Barclay Press recently published from Carol Bialock, which is really good:

Does the heart have a narrow door?
 Will it allow in just one more
 of every beast and flower and bird
 and every song it has ever heard?
 Just one more child, just one more flower,
 one more relinquishing of power
 to that sane and sacred foolishness
 of living by inclusiveness?
 Does the heart have a supple, elastic latch
 that makes it easy to dispatch
 all pettiness and bigotry
 and opens it to what makes us free?
 . . .
 You who can heal all wounds and hate
 make my heart open, free, and great.

Carol Bialock in Coral Castles  (affiliate link), Published by Barclay Press