The Story of Stuff: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes

As you know I’m interested in the environment and how our everyday practices impact it, so I’m always happy to see more people trying to raise awareness through creative means. A friend sent this link around the other day urging us to take the 20 minutes and watch the video. I’m going to do the same thing here.  Please, take a look at this video, watch it while you eat breakfast or watch it instead of your evening show, but really you’ll enjoy it, learn from it and be challenged by it. I know I was. I like the fact that its really well done, Annie, the host doesn’t brow beat anyone, she’s candid, has her facts straight and uses some fun and creative animation to help tell her story. Her story has a little more teeth to it than other enviro-films, in that she tackles production, marketing, consumption, waste as well as the politics behind this stuff. Here’s a teaser:


What’s also pretty cool about this site is that it’s set up to actually educate us and get some good resources into our hands about what we can do. She’s even got students responding to her work on YouTube, which adds another layer to the conversation. Once you watch the film feel free to discuss your impressions below.

For my own list of resources check out this post, see my ‘green‘ category or my delicious bookmarks.