Through Flaming Sword: Spiritual Autobiography of George Fox
My guess is that many younger Evangelical Quakers know little about George Fox‘s life, ministry and faith or have found reading through his Journal a rough go (myself included). I think Quaker historian Arthur Roberts newly updated and classic text, “Through Flaming Sword” will help to change this. This spiritual autobiography does a splendid job of outlining the early formation, faith and later theology and practice of Fox the revolutionary Christian. While reading through it I found myself jotting down questions for potential youth group discussions, blog posts and new theological revelations about Fox’s ministry. it’s a wonderful introduction not only to Fox but to the early Friends as well. The Friends church will need to continue to wrestle with Fox the Christian preacher, missionary and revolutionary, Roberts has provided a new generation with an easy-to-follow itinerary.
Here’s what Barclay Press has to say about the book:
Arthur O. Roberts illuminates the passion, struggles, and legacy of a man committed to authentic Christian living at a critical time in history. George Fox, desiring a kingdom of truth and love on this side of the flaming sword of Eden, led a seventeenth-century spiritual awakening that attracted thousands of peoplepeople who became known as the Society of Friends (Quakers).Through Flaming Sword is both a spiritual biography of Fox and a closer look at Foxs legacy, particularly his thoughts on Christian holiness and the nature of the church. Todays restless pilgrims, troubled by the world and diligently trying to follow Jesus, will find in Fox a spirited companion for the journey.
This new book is a fiftieth-anniversary edition with revisions to the original work published in 1959.
Visit Barclay Press if you’re interested.
Here are some more resources:
You can read the forward by Barclay Press publisher Dan McCracken here.
Read Irv Brendlinger’s Review.
Here’s the introduction to the book.
And finally, the table of contents:
Foreword ……………………………………………….. xiii
Preface …………………………………………………… xv
Introduction ………………………………………….. xvii
ONE Childhood and Youth ……………………………. 1
TWO Darkness and Light ………………………………. 7
THREE Vision and Fulfillment ………………………….. 15
FOUR Suffering and Success …………………………… 31
FIVE Travel and Administration …………………… 41
SIX Peace and Promise ………………………………… 53
SEVEN Legacy ……………………………………………………. 57
Notes ……………………………………………………… 129
Bibliography…………………………………………… 139
George Foxs Lifetime…………………………….. 142
Have you read the this or the earlier edition? What are your thoughts on it?