FAQQ The Practice of Using Quaker Silence in Educational Settings This is something I wrote at the prompting of a colleague at Guilford College who wanted to know more about Quaker silence and our use of it on campus. Filed under "Frequently asked Quaker Questions." Dear friend, Quakers practice a listening silence when they gather for worship as
Featured Featured Silence can save us If liturgies of empire lull us to sleep, silence is a practice of resistance that can wake us up. It can wake us up to the pain and suffering of our neighbors. Wake us up to our own pain, our own inaction, our bitterness, or call to act.
Featured Let’s Get Bored Together: The Practice of Silence and Resisting the Attention Economy I am teaching a class this semester at Guilford College called, “The Practice of Silence.” The class is both what it sounds like and a lot more. We are studying the Quaker theology behind the Quaker practice of silence but we’re also studying it from the broader lens of