Featured Make Your Own Discernment Flowchart Back in February, I had the opportunity to travel back to Portland / Camas to speak at Chris Hall’s “Way of the Spirit” spiritual apprentice retreat program. I go to talk about the Bible, talk about discernment, Quakers and be in conversation with retreat goers. Some of the kinds of
Convergent Friends Convergent Model of Renewal: A Sketchnote Companion and Discussion Guide (Complete) Last night we finished up a six-week discussion at Camas Friends Church on my book. You can purchase “A Convergent Model of Renewal: Remixing the Quaker Tradition in a Participatory Culture” through my publisher Wipf and Stock or on Amazon (it’s more expensive there): “A Convergent Model of Renewal.
Featured Convergent Model of Renewal: Discussion Guide and Sketchnotes (Chp. 2) We are doing a discussion at Camas Friends Church on my book, “A Convergent Model of Renewal.” I am posting the sketchnotes and discussion questions here each week for anyone who would like to download them and use them. Feel free to share and dispense however that makes sense as
Featured Hope on a Tightrope Sermon #Sketchnotes Each week as I study, I take a lot of notes. Some of those notes I type into Evernote on my computer, and some of them I sketch out. The stuff that really stands out to me, the important quotes, and image-heavy ideas go down on paper. I love using
Creativity #Sketchnotes and The Writing Process [This is an image of a sketchnote used for a sermon on Luke 13] There’s a really interesting article about sketching that Mike Rohde linked too from Smashing Magazine titled Hand-Sketching: Things You Didn’t Know Your Doodles Could Accomplish. The whole thing is worth read if your interested
Featured Revelation #Sketchnotes Reading Revelation #Sketchnotes, a photo by cwd1978 on Flickr. Here are some sketchnotes I’ve put together as a kind of overview of some of the things I’ve tried to focus on as I was reading, studying and preaching through this difficult book. You can find the rest of