Featured Humility and The Lord’s Prayer: April Ping Homily This is my ping homily for April, there are still two weeks left for all of you to participate. If you are interested jump over to Shawn’s explanation of the project. Since I am in the process of thinking and writing about the Lord’s Prayer as a paradigm
Featured Lecture Today and Intro to The Lord’s Prayer Today is my first chance to lecture in a classroom setting. As I have been preparing over the last couple weeks, I have found that I will never get it the way I want it. I have been writing and rewriting parts of it for the last three days and
Featured Hey Man Slow Down: The Art of Friendship Behind The Screen IV I need to finish this series of four articles on Technology and how its affecting our lives in positive and negative ways before it gets away from me. When I first sat down to write about all of this it was because of a couple of prompts; my reading the
Featured O Gracious Light: When Light and Darkness Find Each Other You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house (Matthew 5:14-15).??? Emily is returning home tomorrow, she
Featured How to Blog for Theology and Religion I’ve been thinking for sometime about doing a how-to for theological and religious blogs as blogging is something I’ve grown increasingly interested in and challenged by. There are many how-to blogs, and websites that cover tips on blogging – here are a few that I love to read regularly:
Featured Hey Man Slow Down: Silence and Noise – Sharing Space with Technology III I've been carrying on for the past week about slowing down in an age of technology; whether this is something we really need to do, why and how we might go about doing it are all questions I am looking at. In the last article I talked about
Featured Hey Man Slow Down: Multitasking and Issues in Simplicity II Two weeks back we received our weekly issue of Time Magazine; the cover instantly caught my eyes. It's a picture I almost wanted to find myself wrapped up in. The title of the article asks a pertinent question for today's technologically immersed generation, “Are Kids Too
Featured Hey Man Slow Down: The Speed of Life I have been reflecting back on the speed that life has taken on. All of life’s distractions, duties, and the pace at which it seems like we must get things done has been pulling me away from the simple and quiet life that one needs in order to maintain
Featured Thoughts on Immigration, Vegetarianism, and James Cone Here is a buffet bar of thoughts from this past weekend: 1. On Immigration The struggle for Illegal Immigrants right’s will be, as the LA Times wrote yesterday, the Civil Rights Struggle of our generation. There have been staged walkouts and then this past Saturday a 500,000 person
Featured The New Worlds We Stand Before There is good news I can’t help but share, yesterday I opened my email to read, Wess, I’ve been given the go-ahead to officially welcome you into the PhD program…I’ve been assigned as your mentor, so I’m thrilled to be working with you for the
Featured 9rules Religion Community Ping Homily on Courage Shawn over at LO-FI Tribe has put up a Ping Homily??? for March. He writes a short homily and then asks other to join in on writing about that theme. This month he writes about Courage and I am struck by his brief yet powerful message, exclaiming that we know
Featured Evangelicalism and Subcultures: Part V I’ve been writing on Evangelicalism over the past few weeks partially as a theological exercise and partially to work out a my own critiques and vision for this movement. I would not consider myself a spokesperson for the movement, nor do I want to be, but I do recognize
Featured Critiques and Possibilities: Evangelicalism Part IV This is the continuation of a larger discussion I am working on, here is part I, part II, and part III. Spiritually Transformed Life #5 – The spiritually transformed life has become for many the end all be all of Christian existence. Of course again there is nothing unbiblical about a
Featured How a Small Blog Made a Big Difference The Canton Repository’s Todd Porter has published two new articles on the Xzuberant Faith Basketball scam that happened in northeastern Ohio. For other stories from the Canton Rep and the work I’ve done on the situation visit my XFBA resource page. 1. Father of XFBA administrator reaches out
Featured Critiques and Possibilities: Evangelicalism Part III I’ve been working on a series of posts concerning Evangelicalism and when I get to it Quakerism. Visit my “Series on Evangelicalism” under the Featured page for the rest of the posts on this topic. In the last post I explained two different definitions which arise, the sociological standpoint
Featured What Evangelicalism is: Part II I have a disclaimer to make, I’ve been working on these posts for the past week, and as of last night I’ve had to rewrite and change course for this discussion. This is largely due to a conversation that I had with two good friends James Pitts and
Featured Reflections on Evangelicalism Part I Reflection on the State of Evangelicalism At Fuller we obviously talk a lot about American Culture, fundamentalism’s effects on American Evangelicalism and American Politics and the plight of Christianity in general. These tend to be radically diverse conversations, represented by a variety of voices within the student body. What
Featured quakers, sacraments and practices AJ Schwanz has once again written a thoughtful post about Quakers ideas of the sacraments. She’s been reading Bolger’s book and this of course brings up many questions about the use of sacraments for old and new faith communities. Many Emerging Churches do away with the wafer and
Featured first annual blog-party JR and I have begun what may be an on going techie/creative evening of blogging, and working on our sites. Here’s photo from the night. Technorati Tags: friends, blogging
Featured the media, culture and the past year #1 Well I must say I’ve been happy to see all the commenting and interest into the things that have been written about as of late, and I encourage the discussions and comments to continue until things are seen more clearly. I make myself available as a resource for questions
Featured Silence II So I have to consider that I am at times hard on myself, while at other times way too easy. But in either case my last post about silence might have been a bit modernistic. It was as though to say that reading, listening to music, and participating in other
Featured Why Blog? Its funny that there tends to be the need to do an apology for blogging; this fact is evidence that we are still a part of something that is very new – something that hasn’t become widely understood or accepted. Not that its not acceptable to blog, but just that
Featured Zac Moon, Nevada Dessert Experience and Quakerism met Zac Moon today from Nevada Dessert Experience, a Franciscan ministry that seeks to non-violently protest the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the nuclear test site in Nevada. I really enjoyed meeting with this fellow Quaker who comes as a radical Christian from the un-programmed group of Friends. In talking