Sponsored Post: The Scholarship Blog

I’ve been asked to review The Scholarship Blog for Reviewme.com. This isn’t the first time I’ve come across this site, it was just this past October that fellow blogger Paul Stamatiou was trying to get enough votes to win a $5000.00 “blogging scholarship” from “Scholarships Around the US.”
The site is dedicated to helping students find scholarships for higher education because they recognize that,
Today, the climate of education and the work place has changed drastically. Not only do most decent jobs require a college education, but more and more are demanding advanced degrees.
As these economic demands have increased, so has college and university tuition costs.
In fact, college tuitions have well outpaced increases in middle class Americas incomes, leaving many without the necessary money required to pay for a college education.
Nearly everyone is eligible, weve discovered, for some sort of scholarship, grant, or other financial assistance. Armed with the information we have collected here, we are confident you will find more untapped reserves than you might have imagined.
Scholarships for Minorities, Women and Religious Studies
Scholarships Around the US cover loans, grants like the Federal Pell Grant, and of course Scholarships of all kinds; you can find scholarships that pertain to just about everyone from athletes, women, minorities, African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans.
There are even scholarships available for religious studies students. There isn’t much on the Christian page that would be useful for me personally, but I am sure some of you would qualify. They even have a theology category for students who are thinking of becoming ministers.
Tips for Writing Scholarship Essays
They also offer tips on writing essays, picking topics, how to write thank you letters and even tips on avoiding scholarship scams.
Scholarship and Education News Blog
Finally, they also have a blog that is worth looking into. They cover some really interesting news on topics that range from professors trading grades for cash to race issues in school (and here). One article looks at the rising debt among young people (something that hits close to home).
Overall, this is a very useful site full of resources that students will find valuable, especially if you’re in need of finding some extra money for undergrad or grad school. What I like most about their site is that it’s easy to navigate their sidebar and search their available scholarships.
Technorati Tags: Education, Religious Scholarships, resources, review me, reviews, Scholarships