So School Begins Today: What’s Coming up For Gathering In Light

This past friday I finished up one year tenure as Fuller Seminary’s textbook buyer.  I began working at the bookstore in the beginning of summer 2005 and shortly thereafter I took over with this full-time position.  Well, even though I had a hard time adjusting to full-time work and no school I have enjoyed the leisure that comes from not having homework every night and weekend.  Well the time has come for all this to change once again. 

Today marks the first day of class for me as a PhD student.  I am fairly nervous about what I’m getting myself into and the workload I will be assuming.  I’ve been working for the past couple weeks on reading and writing short book reviews for class today.  My first class is an Introduction to Research Design, where we will be drafting our PhD programs, dissertations, and learning the tricks of research for academia.  Even crazier is that the class will be running from 8-5 for two weeks.

To prepare, I’ve been working on organizing my ibook, getting it all setup to begin class again; it hasn’t been used much in the past year.  I’ve downloaded a few new programs I am testing out to see if they will help me with research such as DevonThink Pro. I also broke down and got a new mouse.

I am excited to get back into studying, and form my schedule around being a student again.  I trust that in time I will be able to ascertain a more consistent blogging schedule, my blog drafts keep piling up.  As for now though, the next four weeks are going to be rather hit and miss.  I am unsure of how much homework I will have or how much time I will have to do it.  This saturday our convergent gathering is taking place so we are still preparing for that.  After this two week class, Emily and I will be traveling back to the Mid-West to visit our family and friends, and celebrate five years of marital bliss.

In the meantime feel free to browse my archives.
Toy around with the Theo.Edit – this site’s own wiki.
Visit the Daily Scribe for more interesting reading.

And expect to see in a very short time a couple new features come to this site:
Including a relaunch of Ping Homily (now hosted by Scribe) and a “Dear Theologian??? column.