Small Milestones for This Blog
With the last post I crossed over the 700 post mark, not a small feat considering how long it took me to do this. The first post counted on this blog is from April 2004, though I’d been blogging for at least a year before that.

It was also during this time that I hit the 100,000 unique hits mark for this website since I started keeping track in 2006.

Some other interesting tidbits are: This blog has over 3,000 comments, has around 470 subscribers, my most frequented commenter is my friend Robin, my three most commented on posts are here, here, and here. My five most popular posts are:
- Create a Moleskine PDA: The Student GTD Hack
- Create an HTML email signature for Leopard
- Emerging Churches Resource Guide
- How to Start a Compost Bin in the City
- Thoughts on Riding a Fixed Gear Bike
Other than these stats, I’ve also been working behind the scenes a little to change things up. If you haven’t visited the blog in a while and are just reading from email or RSS you may want to check out my updated about page, my recently revamped sidebar complete with an introduction video, my web wanderings in colorful rainbow strips, flickr and twitter updates, and an easy “first time readers” guide with links and tips and tricks. I’ve also scaled my categories down (under topics), installed a nice javascript powered archives page, and of course my subscribe page in case you haven’t signed up to get my regular updates.
Thanks everyone for reading, and here’s to another, and hopefully even better 700 posts!