Sharing: Hush – Songs for Christmas by Seth Patrick Martin

If you’ve been around the site, or me much, you know I love the music – and friendship of Seth Patrick Martin. He’s just shared a new Christmas album with us that I wanted to link to here. He produced it with his friend, Joe Kim in Seoul.
The album is called: Hush: Songs for Christmas. It is free to stream on Bandcamp and can also be purchased for download.
I’ve already been able to get through the album once today (and more times as the day goes on!). It is beautiful, haunting, and represents so much of what I love about Seth’s music: the song choices, Seth’s incredible musicianship without being showy, the minimalism of instruments and voice (only as much as you need), blended beautifully together, the overlapping vocals and harmonizing, and the overall atmosphere that pulls you in to the story. Well done, Seth!
Here is Seth in his own words about the album:
These are not exactly easy listening, feel-good jingles. But neither is the Christmas story. It is a wonderful but also scary, awe-inspiring tale–a story that “comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable”–and that is one reason it continues to change the world.
This EP attempts to honor the darker, heavier, and deeper substance of Christmas: the somber but liberating message the carols hold of the God of Love incarnate, born as a poor boy to refugee parents under brutal colonization; ignored or sought out for destruction by the powers that were; hailed, embraced, adored, and comforted by Angel troops, lowly shepherds, barnyard animals and wise “foreigners”-not to mention Nature herself.
Joy to the World!
Thanks to all mothers!
And thank you, deeply. Please share widely, if you like what you hear. Listening is free, but making albums isn’t, and neither is living, as we all know. Your support is precious to me, friends. I don’t take it lightly. Thanks and merry Christmas!.
Listen on Bandcamp to Hush: Songs for Christmas.