Rain in Los Angeles (What More of a Headline Do You Need?)
I love it and hate it when it rains in LA, being from good ol' Canton Ohio I am fully aware of what life submerged by water looks and feels like. So when it rains here I am not so surprised by this moist substance falling from the sky, though I am pretty sure that's what would happen if it snowed here for many; no, there isn't any surprise by the rain – but there is by the people.

I find it really humorous how much the rain can effect not just a couple people, but the whole dang city! I was walking my time card over the SIS office today when I realized that basically Fuller's entire campus is outside – there is so little protection from the rain that it pretty much flows everywhere there's an opening. This is not to mention, how the city really shuts down from a little rain. Being from the midwest you can tell that this city wasn't real built with weather in mind. And the first day of Highland Park's farmer's market happened today, in the downpour which made a highly anticipated day for Emily and I a bit of a disappointment. It was only disappointing in that we hoped for some tamales and other fantastic tasting hot foods to snack on while we shopped instead we got this.

But it was great, we are both really excited to be able to buy all our produce from local farmers, only a block from our house. Trying to be more “local” is something we've been more conscience of especially since we've been going to the good ol' Mennonite Church in Pasadena, not to mention all the great conversation we've had about this stuff from Holly and others in our small group. Come rain or shine us Ohioans will be out there getting our veggies!
Technorati Tags: highland park, los angeles, farmers market