Blog Entries a comment or two for anyone who might be following the Barclay Press Decalogy as I am going to call it, I would be grateful to recieve some kind of feedback here on this blog since they don’t offer anyway to do it there. Its kinda weird to just toss a comment out
Blog Entries working out thoughts its hard for me to generate concise thoughts for the entries I am doing on It even kept me up last night thinking about what will I write about, what’s most important to do said what can be held off. I also know it is not my
Blog Entries check me out on barclay press For the next two weeks I will be writing entries on Barclay Presses website come and see for yourself. My profile in case you needed something to read and here is the link to Barclay Presses homepage.
Blog Entries surprises emily made yesterday special for me. she ended up getting me the new Dylan 2 DVD disc documentary by martin Scorsese which I am really excited about. She also got me some rad new gadgets for my hot-rod schwinn. On top of that she let me know that she will
Blog Entries so today i am reborn. recently a friend who had a visit from the local JW’s (Jehova Witnesses) who were trying their hardest to convert her. I have never had this happened to me so I was enjoyed hearing the story and I looked through the magazine/devotional teaching tool they brought for her
Blog Entries the oaks A picture I took the other day, of a street near Fuller. I will upload a larger image later. There is something peaceful about it, it has that hazy look of a fall evening, and the red lights remind me that it is important to stop and realize what is
Blog Entries Free Today I’ve been doing a lot of listening to music lately. Because I am currently sitting in front of my Imac G5 8 hours a day (at work) plus listening to tunes on my way to and from work, I have had ample time to rip through album after album.
Blog Entries image driven drivers art in HP Originally uploaded by cwdaniels. my lovely in-laws are here this weekend and hanging out with the wife and i. its always fun having visitors, and lots of fun to have family out here. the weekend has been really relaxing and its been nice to just rest. well
Blog Entries hurricane survival hurricane survival Originally uploaded by cwdaniels. Im sorry but Emily’s grandpa forwarded this to us and its down right midwestern. Hurricane Survival Kit Toilet paper…… check Bud Light………. check Keystone Ice……. check Budweiser………. check Red Dog………… check Misc. other bottles of alcohol………… check Piece of plywood to float your
Blog Entries 112977594458591741 sorry for so many changes on my template – i am trying to master a bit of code to customize the best i can. I have been watching Kill Bill over the past couple days (both vol.) and I really like both films. I am considering how these movies portray the
Biking everyday is getting faster my hot schwinn Originally uploaded by cwdaniels. everyday I ride my bike to and from work on a daily basis these days, it is a 5 mile trip to and fro. Now to be honest I ride the bike to the metro train in the mornings that takes me all
Blog Entries 112912180203070632 sorry about that last post with born shoes, that’s really lame i actually wasn’t trying to advertise for them, I was showing students in class how to make a link on their blog and that was my example – i forgot to remove it.
Blog Entries Is Bob Dylan a Quaker? I am reading “Restless Pilgrim” a book about the spiritual jounrney of Bob Dylan. Its not a bad read at all, and its fun for me to just be reading something about Dylan. Anyways there was a quote I wanted to post, “I can see God in a daisy. I
Blog Entries quaker queries I just got a really nice email, from a lady who heard my message at the wedding, it was very kind and encouraging and further more she sent me a link to her our webpage that has some Quaker queries which are really amazing and useful for individual as well
Blog Entries Great News Currently some really great things have been happening. First being home was great, I enjoyed having the time to be with my family and enjoy Steffanie and Silas’ wedding. Also the encouragement I received from those at the wedding about the message and how well it all went has reminded
Blog Entries Speaking Life and Bringing Hope I posted an entry just prior to this one that will be infact my message at my sister’s wedding tomorrow. October 1. She is 18 and is getting married to her boyfriend since she was 13. I am performing the wedding. There is part of me that doesn’t
Blog Entries 112810927749388938 The Wedding Message I Gave During My Sister’s and her New Husband Wedding Ceremony October 1, 2005. Silas and Steffanie, the reason you are here in front of everyone is not only to make your love and commitment to each other public but also to put your marriage into
Blog Entries the cream of the top I tend to get excited about simple things. And then I try to wear them out, or at least this is what emily tells me I do. But anyways, she turned me on to this whole “cream top” phenomena as I like to call it, and frankly its revolutionizing my
Blog Entries 112743268978761422 I am reading through On the Road by Jack Kerouac as one of my non-theological works to help me see the world as more than philosophical treatises. I must confess I am also reading it because Bob Dylan writes about how it influenced his life in his autobiography Chronicles. I
Blog Entries 112740356389398880 Here is an article from I am posting it not because I agree or disagree but rather I would like to hear any responses from those who are interested in adding their two sense. A Quaker firearms officer writes Paul Longden Like you, I hope for a society
Blog Entries A New Monasticism A really good article about re-monking the church from Christianity Today. I am surprised the favorableness the magazine gives to such a radical idea.