Green On Biking: Safety Tips for Drivers I posted a video and a few short thoughts on our other blog Weird Fishes about biking and some tips I wish drivers kept in mind when cruising around the city. If you’re interest you can check it out here.
Ben Pink Dandelion Ben Pink Dandelion Interviewed on OUPBlog Ben Pink Dandelion, Quaker professor at the University of Birmingham (UK) and one of my tutors has recently (as in this week) published, The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction with Oxford University Press. It’s a perfect book for someone who knows little about Quakers and doesn’t want to
The Theological Between the Saying and the Said: Speaking Like Children I’ve been really enjoying Peter Rollins blog lately and was struck by his recent post Did Jesus Speak Hoplandic? In the post he discusses Levinas’ theory about the act of saying something vs. the content of what was said. In it the question, “did Jesus speak Hoplandic” gets at
Blog Entries Tips for Using Delicious In (Doctoral) Research is one of my most daily visited sites. Recently, I read a great post on the delicious blog about librarians and teachers using delicious more and more in their schools. This is an idea I think is fabulous and so I thought I might spell out a
Featured James K. Smith on Caputo’s Deconstruction Since I recently posted on Caputo’s “What Would Jesus Deconstruct?” I thought it would be helpful to point out this article a friend emailed me by one of my favorite contemporary theologians, James K. Smith. Smith, sounding a lot like iek (especially in chapter 2 ofThe Puppet and
Featured The Newsies and the Kingdom of God? Ok, so I’m late to the game, yes, I just watched Newsies for the first time. Emily still can’t believe I just now saw it. All I can say is that in my home growing up, with four other brothers, musicals weren’t really something we willfully chose
Blog Entries Our New Family “Scrapbook” Emily and I have set up a “family scrapbook” site called Weird Fishes (the name of one of L’s favorite Radiohead songs). It’s basically going to be our site for all things Daniels family. I know there are a number of you (family and friends) who read my
Blog Entries Decluttering: Thoughts on a Difficult Practice As of late I’ve been on this kick to declutter my life. I am sure this has a lot to do with now being a father and realizing there are a lot of inessentials in my life; and quite honestly, I can’t say I would have come to
Church in Mission Step/Not, Hospitality and ‘Realism’ (What Would Jesus Deconstruct?) Carrying on from my last post I thought I’d point out a few more aspects to John (Jack) Caputo’s book I do like and then say something about what I don’t like. If you’re interest in getting into the discussion on deconstruction, and what it has
Featured Expecting the Unexpected (What Would Jesus Deconstruct?) Last week I did a lecture in class on John Caputo’s most recent book,What Would Jesus Deconstruct? I have mixed feelings about the book (more on this later) but I think in either case he makes some very helpful comments. The class I am currently a TA for
The Political Bob Dylan for President? I’ve been enjoying some recent reading about the elections (here, here and here) and am finding the varying perspectives stimulating. Then tonight, as I was reading the book Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews aloud to the family, we came across a quote from Dylan talking about what he’d
Blog Entries Dress Down Friday | Monchhichi and Hawaiian Chairs Well I’m back after a four-week hiatus. It was nice having guests blog for me, felt like a little vacation. But I’ve been stocking up on links over the past four weeks so I had something good for show-and-tell. Here’s what we’ve got for today: * Recently
Church in Mission GOOD Magazine | On Skid Row: Introduction [youtube] Good Magazine, a site I really like, cover all kinds of topics, from culture to politics and the environment. This week they’ve begun a video series looking at LA’s homeless district,
Blog Entries My 2008 Reading List (so far) With every new year comes new lists of things we all would like to accomplish, take for instance the reading list. How many of you have compiled, if not physically, at least a mental list of all the books, authors and ideas you’d like to read about in 2008?
Featured The Wire And Disrupting the Othering Process If you haven’t had the chance to watch HBO’s TV show The Wire I highly recommend you take the time and begin watching. It’s in its fifth and final season, so there’s plenty to keep your Netflix queue busy for quite awhile. While it may not
Blog Entries Jarrod McKenna on National Sorry Day (God’s Politics) Over on God’s Politics Blog, Jarrod McKenna has written a great post on national ‘Sorry Day,’ a day when White Australians are trying to enact reconciliation for the pain they’ve caused through racism and colonialism. This could (hopefully) be a chance to change history. She shared later, “things
Blog Entries Claiborne’s Cedarville Cancellation My buddy Rhett Smith has posted a great reflection about the recent cancelation of Shane Claiborne’s scheduled talk at Ohio’s Cedarville University. Rhett questions the validity of the quote below, and discusses his own thoughts as someone who is a college pastor. There was a tension between my
Blog Entries Dress Down Friday | Guest Holly Big thanks to Wess for inviting the guest post for today’s Dress Down Friday! With Wess’ recent endorsement of Obama, I decided to take DDF in a political direction. For me, following the 2008 election is like watching a good soap opera. I’m completely addicted. Say What?! :: Obama’
The Political Bread For the World: Looking for Young Leaders My friend Holly, who writes at Bread Blog and will be posting this week’s Dress Down Friday, works for a non-profit organization called Bread for the World. They do a lot of lobby work and other types of political activism to help raise awareness for hunger issues around the
Blog Entries Book reading Meme: Zizek and 123? My buddy Kyle has tagged me to write out a quote from page 123 of the nearest book on my shelf. Well unfortunately for all of us, my book is Slavoj Zizek’s “The Puppet and the Dwarf,” which means mostly that it’s going to be difficult to make
Blog Entries Dress Down Friday | Guest Blogger Josh Big thanks for Wess letting me co-host Dress Down Friday. I’m not sure if my web musings will be of much interest to some, but here they are nonetheless. Jonathan Brink writes about the podcast swallowing the pastor. Good stuff. And I know of a good podcast to check
The Political Reader Poll: How Would Non-USA Voters Vote? Last week I announced who I’m supporting in the presidential race, and while my endorsement obviously didn’t help California, it felt good to bring politics into the subject here. And in keeping with the idea of “gathering” together for common discourse on this site I have question for
Blog Entries Dress Down Friday | Guest Blogger Ben I love guest blogging. There’s a strange thrill in writing something that will appear on a site other than my own. Thank you for giving me this honor, Wess. I’ve never written a “Dress Down Friday” so what I’ve got here is a collection of links that
Blog Entries Unlikely Quaker “Heroes?” Did you know Annie Oakley was a Quaker? How about Joan Baez and James Dean? Well they were along with a few other surprising people says this Time article… Annie Oakley – “The sharp-shooting female who was rumored to split playing cards edge-wise, then shoot through them a few times before
The Political The Obama Poster From Obey Giant (From OBAMA – Obey Giant) I’ve been debating whether to announce my choice for the presidential race, partly because I know we don’t all agree on who’s the best person for the job (and some more strongly than others), and partly because I hadn’t found an opportune