New From the Bookshelf Intro | MacIntyre, Root and Caputo

I’ve decided along with my other segments (like Dress Down Friday, Flickr Pics, and Quotations) on ol’ “gathering in light” that I’d start doing a little segment on new books that I come across at the bookstore that you may (or may not) find interesting. I am going to try and be fairly diverse in my selection. I figure since I spend a decent amount of time working at the bookstore and have all kinds of new and exciting books come across my fingertips that I should share some of these titles with you. So here’s the plan: I am going to briefly write about 3-5 books that have just come out (or have come out in the past 6 months or so) in just a couple quick sentences so you can get the basic gist of the book. I will plan to do this every other week unless I have enough time (and books) to do more. If you’d like to suggest books you’re always welcome to do that! Just contact me.
Here are the first three.
Edith Stein: A Philosophical Prologue 1913-1922

Edith Stein: A Philosophical Prologue 1913-1922 by Alasdair MacIntyre. This book is a biography of Edith Stein’s life and philosophical thought, with the express interest of showing how philosophy can shape one’s life practically. Edith Stein, a Jew become catholic nun, is important not only for her philosophical work in phenomenology but also because of the way her philosophy impacted her own life. She died in an internment camp during Hitler’s rule.
Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry

Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry – From a Strategy of Influence to a Theology of Incarnation” byAndrew Root takes a new look at youth ministry by suggesting that our “models” for working with youth are captive to modernity, and are in fact, not incarnational or not enough. He turns to Dietrich Bonhoeffer for an example of how incarnational ministry seeks to serve those who are suffering and who are outsiders.What would Jesus Deconstruct?