My Year in Photos (2012)
Instead of writing up a lengthy overview of my last year, I decided to work through my flickr account – something I update regularly – and pull out photos that remind me of last year. Here are some of my favorite memories and photos from the last 12 months. (Maybe next time I’ll make a limit for the amount of photos I can post, but not only was it hard to decide, I literally just had so much fun going through them all that it was hard to stop!)

Baby #3!

M. exploring with her bug box

@Seabeck – I travelled north to teach a session for the Way of The Spirit Quaker retreat.

L & M got New Bunk Beds in 2012

Outdoor Exploration with Wally

M. @ the Playground

I taught my first class at George Fox Seminary – Culture and Systems Change (and had some help from friends)

The Artist at the Theater – A rare moment at the theater with my wife

One of the most important books I read last year was “Pedagogy of the Poor” by Willie Baptist and Jan Rehman. I had the privilege of meeting Willie (pictured below) and his traveling companion John Wessel-McCoy when they visited Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Vancouver, WA. They were out here to do work for the poverty initiative and I was happy to participate in a workshop they did and a Clark County “reality tour.”

This past year one of the things I have enjoyed is roasting my own coffee.

Scenes out my office door

Laundry Love with my buddy Lloyd

Church at Burgerville

One of the things I was involved in this past year was advocating for a Fred Myers’ worker who had lost her job after standing up to management because of their unethical practices.

L & M had tons of imaginative play

Our new family vehicle the “Golden Egg”

Modeling Handmade Apron’s from a friend

Road Trip to Beach

One of L’s favorite tasks of 2012

In the spring I had the opportunity to preach at Freedom Friends Church in Salem Oregon. A Quaker community there filled with many of my good friends and people I care about. L came as my traveling companion.

This is another one of those books that I read last year (well, read most of) that has, as Dylan says, “changed my way of thinking.”

New Friends

2012 was the year of God Pub. I don’t actually remember when we started God Pub, but it continued on for a year. Shelly F. and I continue to organize the group and are always pleasantly surprised by those who participate in the group. Last year Shelly and I were even interviewed from a church publication — but I don’t know if that was ever published or not?

Near the meetinghouse there is a hill where Camas Lilies come into bloom at, I got to go walk through a field of them. It was lovely.

My buddy Tad taught me how to brew my first batch of beer this last year.

Three of my favorite people.

M loves her moon-light for bedtime reading

More of L’s work this year: Headstand

#3 Arrives – CW Miller Daniels was born on May 31, 2012.

Super-excited Sisters

Dad and C.

Shelly F. does a baby blessing for CW at the hospital.

C. Meets Church Family

One Week

Happy Daddy

Our dear friend Pat W. shares her story shortly before she moves to NH. Pat’s moving was a big loss for our community and for me. She was a wonderful friend and mentor and really impacted my life in the short amount of time I knew her. She is missed.

M is excited to be on her way for her first official haircut at the salon. Something to help put some attention of the girls with a new brother in the house and all.

A visit from our friend’s band – Seth Martin and the Menders graced us a couple of times this past year. We love to have Seth visit our meeting.

Pre-school graduation

The three

In the fall we had some good berry and pear picking.

Sunshine M.



Another one of my favorite reads from 2012.

End of summer Family Vacation to one of our favorite spots on the Washington coast.

Young Yogi

Reading the Paper together

I had the opportunity to have a month for writing my dissertation. I am thankful to St. Anne’s and the Cole’s for allowing me to use their spaces for writing.

Beside fermenting sauerkraut we began making pickles this past year.

Last year we instituted the Saturday night date night. We put the kids to bed a little early, we make dinner for ourselves and eat by candlelight (and hope the kids stay in bed!). This is one of our dinners – probably my favorite. It includes home-pickled tomatoes from my mom — shipped from Ohio — and our own dried tomatoes and fermented cabbage and pickles. Replicating this plate would not be easy to do.

Grandparent’s Visit

Camas Friends Church 75th Anniversary – Becky Ankeny Speaking


My Mom visits

Brunch with my good buddy, professor and mentor Ben Pink Dandelion on his annual trip to Portland from Birmingham UK.

Halloween Carving

Thanksgiving Dinner Breakfast

Christmas Tree Hunting

Bible and Sex 2 with Aaron S.

Birthdays – We celebrated birthday #34, 32, 5 and 3 this fall.

Preparing for a new year of teaching and ministry

Car Crash

Mom and Baby