Is Beppe Done? Pod-fading? If So…So Long Good Friend

Joe Guada, good friend, fellow blogger and wonderful podcaster is hanging up his pod (or whatever it is podcasters hang-up).

He says,
“And so the time has come…

Beppepodcast is pod-fading.

In fact, I have decided to permanently retire the podcast.


TOO MUCH WORK! amongst other things…”

You can listen here.

He says some of the reasons for leaving are loss of focus in themes, loss of time (as he finishes his dissertation), and a desire to step away from the consumers that is involved in podcasting and blogging.

I understand what he means when he says he’s “fading,” it’s very difficult to keep up a pattern of writing, keep it thoughtful, readable, and leave time for other things.  For me, the more I delve into schoolwork, the harder it is for me to find time to write. So Joe is going to take a break and step away from it all.

Joe – I really appreciate the stuff you’ve written over the past year and half (as long as I have know about you) and I’ve appreciated getting to know you in person you’re a delight to be around and learn from.

Farewell — until you come back…?

Oh and if you want to listen to my favorite podcast of his, you can listen here…(actually it’s just because I am in it).  I actually really liked this one in particular.

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