GTD In Apple’s Leopard (and other resources)

I’ve been using the GTD system since I first setup my Moleskine GTD for students and am getting a decent amount out of it. But I’ve struggled with finding ways to keep things straight with all the information flying at me on my mac. I’ve been working on using five separate DevonThink databases for all my research and work, these separate databases have really helped me keep things focused (they are home, academics, teaching, projects, and field research). But the more projects I begin work on, the more things there are to keep track of that fall outside the powers of DT. The trouble for me is keeping everything else straight, todo’s, dates, random notes, emails, etc. I’ve tried the various GTD programs put out by Apple developers but I’m not about to dish out $40 for a program that helps me “get things done.” I found a delightful and simple solution the other day when I stumbled across Dennis Best’s post “Getting things done (simply) in Leopard.” It’s really great, really simple, and uses all the apps that are pre-installed on your mac, apps that you’re most likely using anyways. He walks through how to setup Apple Mail and iCal for GTD and offers a few great scripts for those of us who needs things put in laymen’s terms (that’s me). Anyways, check the post out, maybe it will help, and save you a few bucks. Here are few other GTD resources you’ll enjoy:

  1. Getting Things Done with Google Notebook
  2. Idiot’s Guide to setting up GTD
  3. Todoodlist e-book for those of you who like paper and pencils
  4. Getting Things Done in DevonThink Pro and here’s a list of DT scripts