Dress Down Friday | Top 2007 Apps, Canidate Match and CAR BIKE!
- Brett from Circle Six blog (one of my favorite tech blogs) has recently done a list of his favorite mac apps from this year over four posts and they are all worth checking out (though most of them cost money).
- Jake, who is new to the Daily Scribe, has a cool post on a bunch of uses for twitter.
- A friend sent this cartoon of a religious bookstore, it pretty much fits our reality here.
- If you haven’t played the candidate match game on USA Today, well, then, you’re missing out.
- For all of you iChat users, Chax has been updated.
- And I came upon a couple widgets that may interest you as well, DoBeDo, WikityWidget, and Tumblr has updated their widget as well.
- Josh is right, this is awesome — CAR BIKE!
- And Finally, I offer you the fastest clapper in the world.