Dress Down Friday | Shorpy, Line Game, and Scrabble

- Lazlo sent me this flash game called Line Rider it’s worth a few minutes of distraction.
- You may want to check out your personality assessment, this seems like a good place to do it.
- Found xPad and am really digging it as a replacement for stickies – I like that it syncs with your ipod [thanks John].
- Also if you’re interested in joining the eat local challenge, read more here — and check out the blog button.
- If you’re looking for an opensource answer to Apple Mail, check out the new Penelope. It’s the old Eudora program redesigned and based on thunderbird. I checked it out though and it just isn’t enough to switch yet.
- I was pretty excited to see Facebook’s iphone site. Maybe there should be a gatheringinlight iphone site too!
- I love this guy.
- Mac users check out dockables when you get a chance. They add shortcuts to regular functions to your dock. It’s good for those of you who don’t want to use Quicksilver.
- Emily and I have been getting into playing scrabble together. It’s a lot of fun but since we are both still weak in our scrabble skillzzzz the ol’ scrabble dictionary online is pretty helpful. Though to be honest Emily keeps beating me…
- Finally, if you use twitter, you really need to check out Twitter explore.
tags technorati : scrabble-dictionary line-game game facebook-iphone eat-local-challenge dockables explore-twitter twitter xpad