Dress Down Friday | She Walks! (And Facebook Kills)

She Walks

She walks.

Is the music you’re listening to making you dumber? (HT: Hoopes)

Here’s an interesting article about being Carbon Neutral on a Shoestring. (HT: Emily)

Flourish: a new group for creation care that targets churches and families.

Go Humans go? What does that even mean?

10 sites for book lovers.


We all knew it was true:


For those of you in the Southern California area the upcoming Transforming Theology conference looks pretty interesting.

Cut and Paint.

Get your very own Žižek shirt here.

Are you a Christian Hipster? (HT: Cate)

Go away lego-hair guy.

Here’s to yet another Dress-Down Friday:

Flickr Photo Download: Conducting Business