Here are some random thoughts that have been crammed in my head over the past week:
I decided to switch the ol’ theme around for awhile, it’s still using the same core called “subtle” but now with a little different style. Unfortunately, I am having some problems with my comments again, and haven’t figured out what’s wrong just yet.
I’ve been using my delicious a lot and am keeping track of a number of sites I hoped to write about but it seems like I am not going to have the time in the near future. If you would like to check out some of these sites I found interesting check out my blog-box.
I finally began writing my seminar paper on Alasdair MacIntyre. The rather dull working title is “Convergent Friends: Appropriating Alsadair MacIntyres Account of a Tradition, Virtues and Practices in Light of Our Heritage.”
I realized the other day I haven’t written a paper in over a year and a half and I started to panic a bit. This isn’t as easy as I remember it, and I think it has something to do with the fact that I always tend to try and do too much with my writing. Not only this but it’s for one of my favorite professors, so the pressure is on!
Upon my Housemate’s recommendation, I’ve decided to use Scrivener to write the paper, and it’s really awesome. What I like most about it is the integrated dual-panes where you can have an outline on the left side and your project on the right. It’s also really easy to edit sections and move things around. I am currently using the free beta version (Scrivner Gold) and find it sufficient.
I found out about and definately see the usefulness in a website like this. Basically it’s for taking and sharing notes for students, but with many other cool features. I may say more about this later.
There’s a fun short Rocket Boom video today. I think it would be fun to do a short like this sometime. I liked the name of their post, “casual fridays,” so much I thought I’d use something similar, “dress down” comes from my days at Catholic school.