Dress-Down Friday | Happy First Birthday L Edition

This is a “Dress-Down Friday” in honor of our daughter L, who’s celebrating her first birthday today. I can’t believe it has been a year since the arrival of this wonderful gift from God. This past year has been incredible! Over the past year we’ve experienced the meaning of love and family in completely new ways, we’ve laughed our heads off, experienced indescribable tiredness, and have marveled at God’s great work as we watched this baby girl grow before our eyes: see the first twelve weeks here.
I can definitely say being a father is far more amazing than I ever imagined it could be, and I’ve been very fortunate to be able to stay home with L during the days as Emily and I split parenting duties. This past spring when Emily was still teaching full-time I did a series of photos everyday to track the things we did together, you can view those here: L-a-Day Photos. Having the chance to watch L has undoubtedly given me a lot of extra time to build a friendship with my daughter I know many fathers never get (yes, I know, someday I’ll have to get a “real” job and make something of myself, so for now I’m soaking up as much time with this little girl as I can). This year will be one I look back on with great joy for the rest of my life.
We’ve also had fun posting L stuff on the web for others to share in our joy: see Weird Fishes our family blog. With all these great (free) online services L will be a part of the generation that has most of her life tracked online, just look at all these fun Videos. Like this early one or this:
Toys That Sing from wess on Vimeo.
Happy Birthday L! Here’s to another wonderful year!