Dress-Down Friday | Going Up In Smoke
It’s Dress-Down Friday again, I hope you’ve got your sandles (or at least some flip-flops) ready.
Good has an interactive map looking at where Americans smoke the most:

Still not sure what to get that special someone? Why not a Toto Washlet?
Attn: all Super Mario Brothers fans, what do you think of:

Speaking of B.O. have you seen his cubecraft?
For this Christmas try making ornaments out of cut up credit cards.
I’m a little behind the time but the New York Times Beta Reader for Mac is actually pretty cool (despite a few bugs).
Mennonite Weekly Review has a thought provoking article on Goshen College’s refusal to sing the national anthem before sports games.
What type of blogger are you? It says mine’s artistic…go figure.
If you’re like me and use mindmapping software for papers and projects then you might want to try XMind, it’s now open-source.
Steve Knight has started googlewatchers.com, a site setup to help hold Google accountable to its “don’t be evil.”
Derek’s posted a great 10 step guide to improving a vanilla wordpress install.
People of faith are joining together to help “set the agenda” for the Obama administration.
And of course who doesn’t love Monkey’s on Ice?
(Thanks to everyone who sent links this week: Dave, Chase, Jez, Jonathan, Cate, and Ryan)