Changing Homes: The Meeting House Network

A quick announcement – we at the Daily Scribe have decided to do an entire site revamp, with some new ideas, a new name, a new feel, for the new year. We’ve appreciated all the hard work and commitment to the community.  There has been a good deal of success of this the earlier version, and hope that by doing an overhaul we’ll be able renew interest in the project.

Here’s the official announcement:

1) We are changing the name of our network to “The Meeting House” — the domain is and .com — everything is still getting settled on the tech side of things but we’ll be switching things over soon.  We will let you know when this happens of course.

2) Also – to go along with this change we are promoting a contest for someone to design a new logo for the new site.  This will be open to community members as well as people outside the network.  The prize is a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.  We will announce more details on this soon.

3) We will be moving back to WordPress and doing a site overhaul as soon as we have our new logo in place

4) We are planning to open up the site for new member submissions within the next month.

The site will still operate under its main mission – of bringing top-notch religious content together under one site, as well as trying to facilitate a place where all our various perspectives can be shared in a community setting.   We are also looking to expand our “streams” a little – with religious philosophy, science, etc.

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