Celebration of Quakerism and Ben Pink Dandelion
I’m not going to make a habit out of announcing events that Pendle Hill or other organizations do, but I will tell you about the ones I think you should know about, or the ones I would attend if I could. This is no exception. Ben Pink Dandelion is going to be spending sometime at Pendle Hill and there is no reason why, if you live close, you shouldn’t try to make one of these events. Plus, since Ben doesn’t have a blog (and refuses to get one no matter how hard I try) I don’t mind helping him out some.
Ben is going to be leading a weekend retreat based on his new book “Celebrating the Quaker Way.”
There you will:
Reflect on the riches of Quaker insights and the legacy of Quaker heritage. Quakerism springs from the experience of direct connection with God, an experience of communion which leads us into the world guided by our faith. Say Yes to our faith and all it has to offer. There will be time for discussion of themes such as witness and the use of silence, but the heart of the course will be Quaker worship, reflection, and the ministry given to us. Deborah Shaw will serve as elder for this course.
The retreat “Celebration of Quakerism” happens November 8-12. You can click here to find out more about the event.
Ben has been a big part of my own theological training and PhD process over the last 3 or so years. I have been deeply impacted by not only his scholarship and tutelage, but also his friendship. I would highly recommend taking the chance to join him in this personal spiritual journey if you are able.

Ben Pink Dandelion is professor of Quaker Studies at the University of Birmingham, England, a tutor at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, and the author of numerous books on Quakerism, most recently, The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2008) and An Introduction to Quakerism (Cambridge, 2007). He edits the journal Quaker Studies. He is passionate about trying to live faithfully and about letting Quakerism feel its own power.