Category: Featured

  • Which Direction Are We Headed?

     I love traveling, I always have. One thing I have learned is that the type of journey and its destination determine what you’ll pack in your bags. If I am going on a backpacking trip in the Alleghenies (PA) and I’ll be out for 10 days, I will have to pack much differently than I…

  • Quakers, Tradition and the Resurrection Community (Acts 13:13-33)

    This is the message I gave a few weeks back at George Fox Chapel. I’ve been meaning to post the manuscript but haven’t had a chance. _Tradition is Dead, Tradition is Alive I think I am an unlikely candidate for Quaker week. I am like the majority of you; I did not grow up a…

  • Why I’m a Quaker…

    This is a video I did awhile back at the request of my yearly meeting (NWYM). In it I tell a little of my own story and why I am a Quaker today. I would love it if we could get our Quaker communities doing something like this and posting it online. Letting everyone have…

  • Intercession, Wangaari Mathai and Moses (Ex. 33)

    This is the message I shared with Camas Friends on October 23, 2011 Introduction Finish this statement: “Intercession is…” Growing up in the church I was most used to hearing about intercession in the form of prayer, intercessory prayer was kind of like an intervention for a family member but done by means of prayer. And…

  • When The Church Becomes a Department Store

    You can drive around most neighborhoods here in the suburbs and find at least some vacant buildings. Some of them are small, and if not historic, they at least have a history.  While others are just enormous squares, nondescript, no personality or history at all. “throwaway” buildings might be a way to think about it.…