Bread For the World: Looking for Young Leaders

My friend Holly, who writes at Bread Blog and will be posting this week’s Dress Down Friday, works for a non-profit organization called Bread for the World. They do a lot of lobby work and other types of political activism to help raise awareness for hunger issues around the world.  Today they are starting a campaign to find new leaders. Here’s what they write:

Bread for the World, a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad, is inviting advocates to become our Hunger Justice Leaders. We’re looking for the best and brightest 18-35 year olds to come to DC this summer (June 14-17) for an all-expense paid organizing training. They’ll then commit to leading advocacy efforts against hunger and poverty in partnership with Bread for the World. The details are at We can end hunger in our time. For the first time in history, we have the knowledge, the resources and the capacity to overcome chronic hunger. What we need is the political will. Everyone, including our government must do their part.

Here’s a video they’ve made to help kick things off:


If you have interest in joining this team or know someone who might be pass this along.