After 1,000 Blog Posts
Well, I just noticed that I’ve hit the 1,000 blog post mark. I’m not sure exactly what this means other than I have been blogging for a pretty long time, and have shared a lot of myself with the world. I have been blessed through this blog in more ways than one, and in many ways that I still do not see or understand. The many friendships and conversations have far outweighed the work I’ve put into this site, the difficult comments, and sometimes stressful relationship I’ve had with this site. I am proud of my little blog, and I hope that it has been a source of light and love for those of you who read it. I hope that it has been more or less facilitated a gathering in (the) Light of Christ.
Ever since I was a teen I have followed a call towards ministry. This has not always been easy, it has not always been what I wanted to do, and it hasn’t always been done in the right spirit or even in truth. I pray that for the times when I’ve been less than charitable, when I have been blind to my own sins, biases, and have been less than a Christian living Gospel Order to you that you are able to forgive me so that this space can still be light for you and not darkness. I hope this site has represented, even if simulacra, of my real self, my real journey and my conversion(s) in the process of being made into a follower of Jesus.
This is one road-map among many, but it is still a trace of who I am and I am thankful that many of you take some of your time to read and interact with me. Thank you for walking down this road with me.
I don’t know what lays after the 1,000 post mark. I don’t have any grand master scheme for this website (as hard as that may be to imagine!) but I do intend to keep it around for a long time. I hope to keep it a place for writing and reflecting on the things that spark my interest, give me life, and may (hopefully) spark yours. After all, what good is a light kept under a bushel basket? I hope to keep publishing truth as I know it and experience it for another 1,000 posts and beyond.