Gathering in Light is an independent publication launched in April 2004 by C. Wess Daniels.
Wess is the William R. Rogers Director of Friends Center and Quaker Studies at Guilford College. He is the creator and owner of Fireweed Coffee Company, author, minister, and bike enthusiast.

C. Wess Daniels is originally from Canton Ohio. He is the oldest of eight siblings spread across two families. Wess and Emily (Miller) have been married since 2001 and have three children. He is an Enneagram 3 and enjoys reading, writing, listening to his record player, riding bikes, drinking coffee, and trying new note-taking apps. 😄
Before teaching at Guilford, he was the ‘released Quaker minister’ (i.e. pastor) at Camas Friends Church in Camas WA. His Ph.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary is from the School of Intercultural Studies on the subject of the renewal of faith traditions within participatory culture.
Wess has taught in-person and online classes and workshops at George Fox Seminary, Earlham School of Religion, Pendle Hill, Ben Lommond Quaker Center, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, and Way of the Spirit.
He has given keynotes and sermons at many Monthly Meetings and Churches, Yearly Meetings, Friends United Meeting, Friends World Committee for Consultation, Friends Committee on National Legislation, American Friends Service Committee, Quakers United in Publication, and other many other Quaker gatherings.
Teaching and speaking interests include congregational renewal, liberation theology, appreciative inquiry, remixing the Quaker tradition, convergent Friends, leadership development among Friends, Friends approaches to the Bible, and the book of Revelation (as resistance to empire).
Wess currently serves on the board of the North Carolina Council of Churches, First Friends Ministry and Council, and has previously served on the boards of Quaker Voluntary Service, Barclay Press, and Friends Association for Higher Education.
Wess is available for speaking, preaching, teaching, and organizational consulting.