A Little Blog Nostalgia
I just got the site up and running on its own server again (went with DreamHost this time around).
I’ve been hosting this site wordpress.com for probably 8 years or so? I moved it there – away from running it on my own server – because I just didn’t have the time or energy to tend to it like I used to and the hosting was becoming more attention than it was worth. Shifting jobs over to the college, the kids all being very young, I just didn’t have the space for writing and reflection, let alone site maintenance. But as things have shifted, I wanted to get things rolling again with gathering in light.
Setting everything up again has made me nostalgic for all the fun I had with this blog back in the day. I remember when WordPress first came out. Moving my blog over from blogspot was so exciting. I remember the start of QuakerQuaker and the Daily Scribe, blogging networks I was apart of. Winning a free year of hosting space (mt) Media Temple (from a contest Paul Stamatiou did), which was where all the “cool kids” had their sites hosted.
I think I stayed on Media Temple two years but then it became too expensive for what I needed. Then I moved to “A Small Orange” because it was a host that is wind powered!
I used to host blog parties with friends where we would help each other out with our sites. I loved learning PHP and CSS and constantly tweaking things. Endless tweaking.
I even got decent at “moding” themes and had one theme built from scratch just for me (the one in yellow). I wish I still had access to them!

With the Internet melting down and Twitter becoming a dumpster fire, I’ve been thinking more about using my blog more and social media less. Thinking about the importance of controlling my own site and content and putting what time I have for writing and sharing here rather than social media being the focus.
I contemplated starting over but I decided that if a blog is a little like your living room on the internet, that I found this one cozy enough to stick with it.
Expect some changes here and more frequent updates.
Thanks for reading!