A Few Questions and Activities for Reflection As We Enter a New Year

A Few Questions and Activities for Reflection As We Enter a New Year
A picture of some of my scenius. Names have been blanked out to protect the innocent!

I had the opportunity to meet with some staff at the college this morning as we prepare for a new year with many uncertainties. Instead of trying to figure out or guess what is unknown, we focused on what from last year that we want to try and bring forward into the new year.

Here are the questions we worked through together; first through journaling, and then through group conversation.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Ice-breaker: Name a favorite thing (podcasts, books, shows, music, movies, restaurants, etc) or favorite memory from last year.
  • What are 3 things from the past year you did or accomplished personally or professionally that you are proud of?
  • What were some of the things that sustained you last year, especially if things were difficult? (people, practices, disciplines, experiences)?
  • What core commitments, stories, practices, community(ies) do you want to bring with you into the coming year that can help ground you and enable you to align your personal values for a difficult incoming year? 
  • What are three hopes for the coming year?

Silence as a Tool

Secondly, I shared an article from here on how to think about and use the Quaker practice of silence at the college and a link to this article, Silence Can Save Us. In both instances, I think that silence is a tool that cannot only help each of us individually remain grounded but it can be a powerful communal practice. I think what makes silence hard - all the things that come up in the silence we wish to not think about - is exactly the kind of thing we can practice and get better at, which in turn enables us to remain present to the suffering within ourselves and others.

What practices do you plan to bring forward or try on this year?

The Practice of Using Quaker Silence in Educational Settings
This is something I wrote at the prompting of a colleague at Guilford College who wanted to know more about Quaker silence and our use of it on campus. Filed under “Frequently asked Quaker Questions.” Dear friend, Quakers practice a listening silence when they gather for worship as a community.

Activity - Build Your Scenius

Here is another great activity, reflect on your scenius. You can see a version of mine at the top of this post. Your scenius is your community, the people, authors, artists, and other positive influences (dead or alive) you can turn to and who help you be and stay grounded. A network of people who are inspiring to you, support you, and who help you stay the course. I like to think through who these people are from time to time. Here is an image you can download and print out if you'd like to do that as well.

Activity - Make a Playlist

Music plays such a big role for so many of us. Why not make a special playlist (or two) you can draw on in the coming year when you're needing to be lifted up.

If You’re Not Busy Being Born - Creating A Playlist of “Hymns” for Today
What is the role that music plays in the formation of our spiritual lives? Wess tells a little of his story of music and how it has shaped his life.

What questions and activities are you taking part in this year, or have in years past, that help you transition into a new year?

Comment below and share some of your rituals or practices with the rest of us.