A Common Trashcan at Camas Friends

This past Sunday we piled new and gently used items for homeless people in Camas into a new galvanized trashcan I picked up from the local hardware shop here in Camas. We did this as a part of our discussion on the Disciples Prayer and the petition/mission Give us this day our daily bread. We discussed what it looks like to be on both sides of the prayer, the side of desperation, God, I really need something to eat, and the side of enough, God, we have enough, how can we be givers of bread instead of takers? And earlier in the week I invited people to be prepared for this conversation and to bring things to give to homeless people. It was fantastic to see the response and that our can literally overflowed.
We are going to keep the can in the church building during the winter and work together to distribute the goods, we also registered it on the A Trashcan Can Make A Difference website. Anyone is welcome to come and take from it, or take and give from it, as he or she has or sees need. I see it as being a kind of common can (if you will) similar to what the disciples did in Acts 2.
Do check out the TCMD website and consider whether it is something you and your community can partner with.