Month: April 2006

  • Two Invitation For Everyone

    I wanted to make two invitations to anyone who happens upon my blog in the coming weeks: 1. Shawn over at LoFi Tribe has announced the theme for April's Ping Homily Series, its on Humility. We'd both really like to see more involvement on this great reflective exercise so if you are interested in the…

  • March Ping Homily Selection

    I just learned that I was selected to be the winner of the March Ping Homily Book Prize with what I wrote on courage from a non-violent Christian position. Shawn at LoFi Tribe is hosting these as a part of the 9rules religion group idea that was started a few months back. I really like…

  • How to Blog for Theology and Religion

    I’ve been thinking for sometime about doing a short how-to for theological and religious blogs as blogging is something I’ve grown increasingly interested in and challenged by in the past 6 months.  There are many how-to blogs, and websites that cover tips on blogging – here are a few that I love to read regularly:…

  • A Couple Links for the Week

    Here are a few sites I think are a must see this week:Nik from has come up with a new scary theme – in fact its pretty freakin amazing and though its not available for download its worth your browsing pleasure.  When you get a chance you need to take a look at Tasty…

  • Hey Man Slow Down: Silence and Noise – Sharing Space with Technology III

    I’ve been carrying on for the past week about slowing down in an age of technology; whether this is something we really need to do, why and how we might go about doing it are all questions I am looking at. In the last article I talked about multitasking, teenagers, and simplicity. I talked a…