Napoleon Skills
I was on the official Napoleon Dynamite site this morning and signed up to be nominated (sp.) for the president of the fan club. I had to answer these questions below.
1. Skills
drinking vinegar, and ramping off the curb on my bike
2. what is your campaign slogan
give the curly head a try
3. imagine its your first day of duty as the the president of the napoleon dynamite fan club and someone says to you, unless we do something now, evil robots will rule the earth in less than 10 years. What would you do?
i would buy Breyers Ice Cream for everyone for a year, and then do extreme sports and stuff to have fun before we die.
4. If you could have one mythical beast as a pet what would it be and why?
Star-ama. a starfish – Llama, because starfish can barely be killed (and they’re shaped like ninja stars) and llama have really long necks to see things plus they’re just freakin cool.
5. if you have to watch just one scene, say youd been imprisoned for eternity by an evil overlord, what one scene from Napoleon Dynamite could you watch endlessly until saved by your loyal subjects?
-the part where he asks the girl to get her stuff out of his locker-room because he needs room for his numchucks. either that or the last scene with the tether ball.
6. Top Three Reasons to believe in Napoleon Dynamite.
1. HIs apprehending glasses.
2. He is tough
3. chicks dig him
7. if you could take any food prodent, other than potatoes, and creat a tot from it, what would you select and why?
tofu, because my wife is a vegetarian.
8. DO you know sign language? if yes, prove it.
-no because I am not deaf
9. if you were going to the drive-in, perhaps to see a sweet film like enter the dragon or chapping mall, but could only fit four other people in your car, what people from history, fiction or the realm of magic kingdoms would you take as your guests? And if you could sneak one more person in the trunk, who would that be?
I would take Hannibal smith from the A-team, Gandalf the white, Donatello the Ninja Turtle, and Inspector Cleuseau from the Peter Seller’s Pink Panther flicks. And for the trunk i would take Jamie Pitts my friend from school who could handle the rough ride of the trunk and then he would jump out of the trunk when we get there and announce that he will be my vice president of the N.D. club.
10. What is your favorite color (other than blue, red, green or mint)?
-dark brown like my hair and my eyes.
11. if you had one of the new tape players that can hold 5,000 songs, what 5,000 songs would you play on it?
-The 5,000 songs that i already have on my 5,000 songs tape player, goosh .idiot!