1 Year Blog-Anniversary Giveaway

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Posted Edited 1.29 (See below):
Today is the one year anniversary of gatheringinlight.com and my migration over to WordPress. 365 days ago I moved my blog from blogger to hosted wordpress account and bought this domain name. And I’ve decided to have a giveaway where anyone Can Enter, the more the merrier!
I did this all with a buddy of mine, who consequently is celebrating his one year anniversary as well!.

This marks the point when I began to write more seriously and with more focus and consciously using my blog to develop ideas about theology, technology, and church and culture.  Even though I’ve been blogging since, oh, sometime around Monday February 10th 2003 (and was even talking about virtues back then!), it was much more sporadic and the content was all over the place.

I will spare you any history – especially since I just published a 2006 year in review.

A Few Interesting Stats (To Me At Least)

  • There are currently 416 posts and 1,264 comments, contained within 42 categories.
  • Akismet, a wordpress plugin, has protected my site from 19,263 spam comments.
  • There are 127 subscribers who read this blog regularly.
  • And from when I began keeping track of the statistics here (beginning of April 06) I’ve had 47,039 pageloads 14,000 unique visitors.

My Resources on Emerging Churches was the most visited post last year. And my post on The Left Behind Video game was the second.

For more featured articles check here.And so far for 2007 here are the most visited posts:

The Post on Becoming a Clean Slate Poser
And the Post on how to Hack your Moleskine.

The Giveaway: How You Do It

Basically, I’d like to give out a prize to show my appreciation for all of you!

This is open for all of you old-timers (those reading since February 2003) and all you new-timers (those of you here reading this as your first post).

There are only two things you need to do:
1) Tell us how you found this blog originally, what you do as your day job, and what you wish you did for your day job.
2) Find one post of mine from the 2006 to now that you think is “memorable,” for one reason or another, and tell us why. Visit the Archives for Help.

The Giveaway: What You Win

**There will be one winner who will be chosen by me and my wife.  We’re looking for the comment that really stands out to us, if it is a close tie, we’ll randomize the process by drawing a name out of a hat.  If you win you will have your choice of one of these three fine prizes.

A) Flickr Pro for one year
B) A $25 iTunes gift card
C) A $25 gift certificate to the Fuller Theological Seminary Bookstore and Cafe (books can be ordered online and shipped to you).

The giveaway will end at 9:00 pm on Wednesday January 31st, the winner will be announced next Friday evening.

Credit for header goes to ed.dame

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