Tag: Poetry

  • Does the heart have a narrow door? by Carol Bialock

    Eric Muhr from Barclay Press shared this poem around earlier this week from a new book of poetry Barclay Press recently published from Carol Bialock, which is really good: Does the heart have a narrow door? Will it allow in just one more of every beast and flower and bird and every song it has…

  • The Fool’s Song by William Carlos Williams

    I tried to put a bird in a cage. O fool that I For the bird was Truth. Sing merrily, Truth: I tried to put Truth in a cage! And when I had the bird in the cage, O fool that I am! Why, it broke my pretty cage. Sing merrily, Truth: I tried to…

  • ‘…That Passeth All Understanding’ by Denise Levertov

    An awe so quiet I don’t know when it began. A gratitude has begun to sing in me. Was there some moment dividing song from no song? When does dewfall begin? When does night fold its arms over our hearts to cherish them? When is daybreak?

  • The Dead by Denise Levertov

    Earnestly I looked into their abandoned faces at the moment of death and while I and aged their slack jaws and straighter waxy unrestraint limbs and plugged the orifices with cotton but like everyone else I learned each time nothing new, only that as it were, a music, however harsh, that held us however loosely,…

  • Prayer for Revolutionary Love by Denise Levertov

    That a woman not ask a man to leave meaningful work to follow her. That a man not ask a woman to leave meaningful work to follow him. That no one try to put Eros in bondage. But that no one put a cudgel in the hands of Eros. That our loyalty to one another…