Tag: Obama

  • Witnessing History: Barack Obama Becomes President

    Yesterday, we witnessed history-in-the-making; NY Times headline reads: Obama Takes Oath, and Nation in Crisis Embraces the Moment. Wherever we were, whatever ethnic, political or religious backgrounds we have, we were all aware of the momentous occasion and place in history January 20, 2009 will forever hold. I was glad to be alive, to see it…

  • Dress-Down Friday: Post-Election Edition

    Well the election is finally behind us. So in honor of this wealth of free time we all now have here are some links that you may (or may not) find to your liking. Jim Wallis challenged James Dobson’s 2012 Fear Letter Christians should be committed to the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of…

  • A Fresh Start And the American Election

    Growing up I remember learning about the atrocities of slavery, what happened to the Native Americans, and the many harmful, and violent things that were done in the name of freedom or of Christ. I personally have often felt ashamed by much of this country, it’s a narrative I was born into but didn’t identify…

  • McCain: “I know how to heal the wounds of war”

    I just finished watching the debate and it left me feeling like our country and economy will be safer and better off with Obama at the helm. What caught me off guard about the debate came at the very end in a line McCain gave. While I’ve noted that a number of Christians have pointed…

  • Comments on Obama and Wright

    There’s been a slew of comments and posts concerning Obama’s recent speech on the Pastor Wright issue, if you haven’t heard it you can watch the video here. It’s worth watching because I think Obama actually addresses some of the key issues that we still face in America today, and he’s refreshingly honest about just…