Quaker Youth Book Call for Submissions

I’ve written about the upcoming Quaker Youth Book project I’m working with and said we would soon be giving our call for submissions. Well, the time has come! If you consider yourself a Quaker or a part of the Friends Church and are between the ages of 15 and 35 then we’re talking to you! Here’s the description:

The Quaker Youth Book Project of Quakers Uniting in Publications (QUIP) will feature short, multilingual, non-fiction prose, poetry and visual art by international young Quakers, approximately between the ages of 15-35, from all branches of the Religious Society of Friends, including programmed, unprogrammed, conservative and evangelical traditions. The creative work included will focus on the personal spiritual experiences, beliefs and identities of contemporary young Friends. We will actively engage the questions, concerns, joys and life transitions of teenage and young adult Friends and envision the book as both a resource for them and for monthly meetings and churches striving to understand and support the needs of their younger members. We aim to create a book that will spark discussion and dialogue, speak to and lift up growing youth movement, ministry and leadership in Quakerism, and act as a catalyst for growth and renewal within the Religious Society of Friends. The book will be edited by an editorial board of young adult Friends from all branches of the Society and all over the world.

The editorial board is interested in well-crafted pieces of writing and art, but above all we are interested in openness, sincerity and honesty, and are excited to hear what younger Friends have to say. For ideas or suggestions on what to write about, please see the suggested topics and questions on the reverse of this flyer.

You can download the flyer here which also has submission guidelines, and suggested topics and queries for consideration.

You can also visit the Quaker Youth Book Project page here for details. Please let me know if you have any other questions or comments, we’re pretty excited to get this process started.