Jarrod McKenna on National Sorry Day (God’s Politics)

Over on God’s Politics Blog, Jarrod McKenna has written a great post on national ‘Sorry  Day,’ a day when White Australians are trying to enact reconciliation for the pain they’ve caused through racism and colonialism.  This could (hopefully) be a chance to change history.

She shared later, “things are different now.” Somehow wrapped up in this one little word, “sorry,” was a new future. This strong aboriginal woman, who I’m proud to call my friend, was saying that in this word a new day is possible for her people and our nation. In this word, grief can now find its energy in change rather than despair. The cries of mothers who have had their babies torn from their arms and stolen from their breast have finally reached the halls of government. And miraculously, government has started to repent from the legacy of racism and colonialism.

(From Jarrod McKenna at God’s Politics)