Dress Down Friday | The Looksee, Philosophy and the Leavers

Here is this week’s installment of Dress Down Friday.

  • The Prius just turned 10!  I can’t believe it’s been around this long already.
  • Did you know that philosophers play soccer?  Neither did I, but I guess some of the old standbys do.  Oh and don’t forget the song about them.
  • I swear I see something like this every time I am on the 5.
  • Had a friend send me this site, it’s a parody news page with your favorite (and some infamous) celebrities writing whatever it is that’s on their minds.
  • For all those of you interested in fashion and design, a good friend of ours has a really great blog going called the looksee.  I really like what she’s doing.
  • If you’re interested in free, and by free I mean It’s not going to cost you $150, check out the new online word-processor called Buzzword by Adobe. I used it yesterday to write an article and it works pretty well.  It is a little sluggish and just like all the other online processors it doesn’t do footnotes (which means I am not really going to use it for much) but otherwise I liked it’s overall functionality.
  • For those of you interested in finding an alternative to itunes, look here.
  • And finally, here’s a neat website dedicated to the letters of those who have left our various churches and why.  Think of it as a kind of open letter to how the church can do better.