Airport Love – Is It Possible?

Landed in Vegas about an hour ago, did you know they offer free wireless here!  I paid my dues in the form of $1.50 in slot machine goodness.  Wireless, is a treat especially if you’re flying home alone.  Emily has to finish out the week teaching class, and the only way we could use a frequent flyer ticket with Southwest was if I went today so here I am blogging from Vegas.  Preparing for the winter cold of Northern Ohio

Flying (and airports) seem to me to be at the bottom of my list of “fun things to do.”  Is it just me or is just about everyone anxious and impatient when flying?  Then there is always the hassle of finding the right seat, and hoping for a good neighbor.  I tend to get the people who don’t want to talk, or who lean over there seat into my space so I have even less room then the barely-infant-sized “car-seats” you’re already allotted.

And for the holidays I’d expect to see more love in the air, but so far this is lacking as well.  Even lovers seem to have little patience for one another when it comes to waiting during their three hour layover.  I’ve thought about writing down the various uneasy narratives that unfold before my eyes, but then thought better of it.  Then in my sophisticated, theological way I wondered, “what does it mean to live as though the Kingdom of God WAS RIGHT NOW, here in this airplane (or substitute for airport)?”  And to be honest, I have no answer, especially not one that would reveal the amount of years I spent thinking about such questions.

I guess I am left to looking for even the slightest eye contact, so I can offer a wink or smile.  I’ll even chance a conversation, at least until we are allowed to turn on our “portable electronic devices.”  But even more than that I think I will keep to myself, be quite, and try to not create anymore problems for the flight attendants than they already have.

“Hey Miss, I think that Kid is playing gymnastics in the plane’s lavatory!”