• Dress-Down Friday for June 7, 2019

    I’ve got some fun links to share today: I read Austin Kleon’s book “Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad” and really enjoyed it. It came at a good time for me where I feel that my creativity has been languishing and as a friend told me recently, creativity is my…

  • Dress-Down Friday | The Llama Report

    This is a special edition of Dress-Down Friday. When I was youth pastor of Barberton Friends Youth Group (BFYG) we did lots of silly things. One thing we did was to make a Llama our mascot whose (fictional) name was Bach Bahama Llama. We had youth group baseball shirts printed up with a picture of…

  • Dress-Down Friday | Three Vimeos and an Alien-Baby Suit

    Here are a couple little internet treats for you all on this Dress-Down Friday. For those of you who are into the alien-baby accessorized look: This video is really just amazing: http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=3156959&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=ffffff&fullscreen=1 John Howard Yoder is alive, kind of. Some Catholics are getting into the emerging church conversation. Are you a Stay at Home Dad?…

  • Dress-Down Friday | Bubble Project, Jesus on Twitter and Ash Friday

    This is another Dress-Down Friday for February 27, 2009. Knowing my constant use of the social network twitter, my friend Cate send this: It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted a video from Rocketbook – here’s a little something on advertising: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmq-FfH7C6E&w=425&h=344] One thing that really stands out to me from the above video is great…

  • Dress-Down Friday | Moons, Red Dresses, and Trilogies

    Dress-Down Friday Installment #3,027.5  Quaker Ranter Martin writes about Margaret Fell’s red dress and the challenge she posed to understanding plain dress and Gospel Order. All you philosophy buffs will enjoy Kyle David Bennett’s continental philosophy overview handout. Safari users, here’s a quick tip on how to shrink URL’s. My new favorite sleeping bag. New…