Quaker 2.0 Relaunch and the Convergent Friends Gathering

Chris Frazier from Glued Ideas has been working hard on a relaunch design for Quaker 2.0, a collaborative site I co-author for. We had been planning a big launch for Monday July 10th, but he graciously decided to relaunch earlier to correspond with my article being published.

Along with this relaunch we are also announcing the “Convergent Friends Gathering” that is taking place at our house in Los Angeles Saturday August 5th 2006. It is a one day event focused on talking about and seeking to understand what it means to be “Convergent Friends.”

Watch Quaker 2.0 for more details as it will be used as the main hub for this “gathering” and other things focusing on the “contemporary Quaker identity.”

Also for more details I have set up a wiki descibing some possibilites of what we will be doing during the gathering. Please sign up so you can edit it and add ideas.

Please contact me if you are interested in coming. We can’t offer housing at this point as we are already filled, but we will help you find a place to stay if you need it.

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4 responses to “Quaker 2.0 Relaunch and the Convergent Friends Gathering”

  1. As a designer and web developer, let me compliment you on the site design. Nicely done.

  2. John – thanks! We’ll be releasing the theme Q2 is based on probably this week. I’m still tweaking and making sure that Widget integration is seamless. If you’re interested in getting your hands on it, check out the Glued Ideas Development Blog – that’s where we’ll release it.

  3. Well, I’m interested in coming to what is sure to be a great meet-up… but I won’t be there. For one thing, I’d have to squeeze it between Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative’s annual sessions and Canadian Yearly Meeting!

    For another, it is just so tiresome to be from the midwest and have to travel to either coast for practically ANYthing.

    Now that I’m done whining, you might already know that I’ve written and workshopped some about Quaker identity, and if there’s anything I can contribute to the conversation, let me know. Not to mention that I’m eager as all get-out to READ anything that might be written about identity!

    Have a great time.

    Liz, The Good Raised Up